Our Family

Friday, May 14, 2010

2010 first quarter

We have had lots of fun so far this year it has snowed, Alex started t-ball, Maddie accepted Jesus into her heart, of course fun spring break at Tannehill, Easter, Mothers Day and The All for Nana Charity tea party http://www.allfornana.blogspot.com/. You can tell we have been extremely busy. Alex has given several scares...he got into his Granddaddy' s blood pressure medicine we spent the day at the E.R., he went missing for an hour at Mom's called 911, the police, fire department, the whole neighborhood was out looking for him on four wheeler, golf carts, cars and on foot needless to say he was hiding, he has slide down Mom and Dad's pool slide ontop of the pool cover, beat spiderman up at the ball park with Owen (yes I thought the spidermans Mom was going to take me down she was a little Red). Luke passed his State Contractors exam..YEAH. Maddie is such a wonderful little sweet heart and never gets into trouble and makes straight "A's" so it is hard to write about her because she is just so mild mannered. However, she did go to her first spend the night party at her friend Emelia's and she had a ball. Anyway as for me I am just me...a mom, wife, employee, Sunday school teacher, volunteer and maid, and cook. Enjoy some of the pic

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