Our Family

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Daughter Accepted Jesus into her Heart

What a special event occurred in my Maddie Mae's life this Sunday the 16th of May 2010. Several months ago (9-9-09) she was in a Wednesday night service and the lesson was on Jesus walking on water and calling the fishermen to walk to him. Anyway Steven Hicks are children's minister asked at the end of the lesson if Jesus called you would you sink or walk. Well, afterwards Maddie went into Steven's office and told him that she wanted to walk and she believed Jesus had died on the cross for her and she wanted to read more about becoming a Christian. He gave her the "How to become a Christian" workbook to read. Anyway she had it read the first night. However, Luke and I felt she was too young to understand completely the seriousness this event would hold in her life. She was constantly asking when can I become a Christian from that night on. After Luke and I asked her a ton of questions, prayed and read the workbook with her several times we decided she was ready. We set up a meeting with Steven to pray with us on Cinco DA Mayo. During our meeting with Steven he asked several questions and my sweet daughter was so moved that Maddie started crying and got in my lap and we cried together and then we all prayed together and she accepted Jesus into her heart. My heart was so happy. Then on Mother's Day she went down in front of the church to Dr. Kevin Blackwell our pastor and publicly confessed her sins and the church agreed to accept her as a member of the church. Sunday, May 16th she was baptized by Steven. We had soo many family member and friends attend. (Granddaddy, Meme, Pa, Tammy, Jason, Britt Britt, Pat, Mamie, Madison, Amy, Laren, Aunt Gail, Uncle Richard, Katie, Michael, Lori, Dale, Owen, Harriet, Buff, Griff and Alex)...Memama didn't feel good and Dave had to stay at home with Matt he broke his thumbs the day before at the All for Nana Tea Party. After the service we all went to Habenaros Mexican restaurant to celebrate. It was a wonderful day and how I love having such a wonderful Christian based family that I know will help us raise and support my baby girl as she grows in her christian faith. If you don't know Jesus loves you and haven't accepted him into your heart I would love to discuss it with you. Thank you Jesus for guiding Luke and I as parents and giving Maddie Mae eternal life along with us.

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