Our Family

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Life in the Fast Lane

Well since the start of the 2010 year we have been on the go. However, it has been loads of fun. Monster truck show, Alex started playing T-Ball...GO Orioles, UpWards basketball coach for Luke and I, Easter, Many Many birthday parties, Spring Break at Tannehill...lots of fun, Church functions, of course work and school, got Alex registered for pre school for the fall, Alex finally got the hang of driving all of his power wheel toys, Maddie is getting more mature everyday and keeps make straight A's (thank goodness, I am so proud of her), she is also on Luke and I wanting to be baptisted so we have completed the book that our Children's minister, Steven, gave us to study. We are now in full speed trying to get the All for Nana Tea Party organized....so far much it is going to be bigger than the past years. We have two trips we are giving away, a band playing and tons more door prizes. Check out that website if you want www.AllforNana.blogspot.com Also, I am in the midst of planning an exciting baby shower for one of My best friends. We found out about two weeks ago, that one of our coworkers, friends from high school was diagnosed with cancer...she is only 33 and has two young little girls, so we have hit our knees praying for her and family. Please add her to your prayers as well her caring bridge site is under my links section. Luke is getting ready to sit for his HVAC contractors test this week so add him to your prayers as well...we really needs and wants to pass this exam. Passing this exam will open so many avenues for him. I will try to get some great pictures uploaded tomorrow for you all to enjoy.

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