Our Family

Monday, September 20, 2010

Maddie's first day of Second Grade

Maddie loves school and being with her friends so she was soooo excited to get up and get going. We found out that she was going to be in Ms. Paris' room early the week before. She was ready to go see who all was going to be in her room with her that she knew. When she arrived and got settled in she realized that she had about 4 friends from previous years or church in class with her, which was good. Her best friend and cousin are both in the two rooms across the hall from her, so she gets to see them in the morning while they wait before school starts and are lined up sitting against the wall. I got to take and pick her up from school today and it was so fun being with her. Her first words to me as she opened the car door were "Mama, this is going to be a freakin awesome year, My teacher is fun, a Bama fan and a Christian." My heart smiled immediately and I thanked God for protecting my sweet baby girl and givng her a great mind set and teacher to start second grade off with. (by the way her desk is the first one next to the teachers desk...which is perfect for my little girl that thinks she needs to be the teachers pet and always ends up being the teachers pet...which is a good thing).

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