Our Family

Monday, September 20, 2010

Back to School Church Party

Oh Yeah! Loads of Fun. We all met at church Friday night and had a yummy to my tummy pizza supper then we played lots of games, had two Bible /worship sessions and then we all got in our sleeping bags for a HUGE sleep over. Alex of course thought he was suppose to stay too, so Brother Steven approved for him to stay with Daddy. Mama was the whimp and went home to sleep. I don't think I was the whimp I think I was the smart one. I bet I felt the best the next morning and my bed sure was comfortable and nice and roomy without all my sleeping buddies being there. I sure did get cold and lonely being there by myself, so I was up before sunrise and got to church before the day got started. We had a wonderful southern breakfast and then off to Bible study we went. Our music rocked the the sancutary. Then we all went and got our bathing suites on and went outside for some water fun. After we all dried off we eat lunch and went home. It was outstanding weekend.

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