Our Family

Saturday, July 17, 2010

SeaWorld OH! YEAH!

Our day started off early but we ended up running behind getting on the road to go to SeaWorld. I think my family is just destined to be late wherever they go. As we started to walk into the park a dark cloud appeared and before we could get through the bag check area it started pouring down rain...we saw it coming so jumped under a shed and didn't get wet. The rain only lasted about 10 minutes so that was no big deal...heck we were already behind so what was 10 minutes more? We went straight to see the Dolphin and bird show and sat in the soak zone. The soak zone was exactly that. When the amazing show came to the end we all were soaking wet from head to toe. This kept us cool and comfortable the rest of the day...so that was a smart move to sit there and to see that first thing. After the show we went to ride the Marta roller coaster....WOW!!! This ride was absolutely the craziest ride I have ever been on. I felt horrible because this was my nieces first "real roller coaster". I was worried she would never get on another roller coaster again, thankfully we talked her into getting on more during our vacation. We also saw the Rockin Shamu show and the fireworks show there which was awesome. We were all worn out at the end of the day....Alex fell asleep in my arms watching the fireworks (which he is completely scared of). Oh! Me! I just about forgot about this situation...Alex told me he had to go to the bathroom while standing in line to ride his first roller coaster and of course I didn't know where the closest bathroom was so I asked the young girl that was measuring the kiddos to make sure they meet the height requirments for the ride where the closest bathroom was and in the midst of me asking her she started staring at Alex with her mouth open and smerking. So of course I look down and see Alex spraying down a bush and just shocked. You know that you just can't stop a little boy in mid stream so all I could do is wait until he was done and pull his pants up. The young lady keep saying over and over and over..."I don't know what to do about this" and all of a sudden she just ran off (She was really freaked out) and about 20 minutes later she came back with a can of lysol and sprayed down the bush (now it came a down pour washing the tee tee off the bush while she was gone...so this was useless.

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