Our Family

Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day of School 2012-2013 K-5 and 4th Grade

We were blessed with the best teachers of both grades K-5 and 4th grade.
Alex got Ms. Hayes and Maddie got Ms. Ragland. Both my babies woke up in good moods this morning and ready to start school.  Maddie missed her friends and Alex was ready to be in class with two of his closest friends, Gage and Owen. Alex was the first one up because he had to take a bath since fell asleep before getting one. Then Maddie popped up with no trouble. While Maddie was in the bathroom putting on her deoterate Alex came in and said dag-gum-it, I guess now that I am a big boy starting kindergarten I have to put deoterate on too and some cologne and proceed to do so... so cute. Maddie and I just smiled and laughed when he left the room. Anyway it has rained almost the past month, well it seems that way, and Alex got his flip flops wet going to the car and had a come apart so we had to switch shoes in the car before walking up to the school door. After putting his shoes on he looked at me and asked "Mama do I look sexy?" and I said baby you look sooo handsome and cute to the point I could kiss you all over and he said no Mom I asked was I sexy tell me I am sexy... so I said to him "you are my sexy baby" and he in turned looked at me and said now you may get a kiss. Seriously son?!?!? what a nut you are. We get to the door at the same time Owen and Lori do so they get to walk in together. It was priceless. Maddie said she had a great day and loved her class and teacher... lots of her good friends are in her class. Even her crush Hunter...lol.

Alex also said he had a great day and loved his teacher. When he walked out of the school when school let out... he looked up at me and said "Good Day Mom" and then smiled real big at me and reached his hand slowly in his pocket and pulled out his tooth and handed it to me and said Mom, I lost it. I said well son why isn't it in a baggie? He said, I didn't tell anybody I lost it, I lost it in PE and then we went to art and I didn't want to tell my friends because I was embarrassed and all the teachers were going crazy trying to get everything organized. I asked him what about the bleeding and he said oh well mom all I did was put my finger on it until it stopped. Once again what a crazy son I have. So it seems this year is going to be great.

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