Our Family

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Alex Graduates K-4

It was a sad day but yet happy. I am sad that Alex is my baby and starting real school but happy that I have health children. We had to say good-bye to Ms. Ginny and Ms. Tonya and Ms. Lisa which was also sad. What wonderful women they were for Alex to be taught by. He and Nick an autistic child were paired up and Alex taught him how to write his name and communicate more. He of course had some funny stories to tell us each week. One day he stopped him from tee teeing in the library. Also another positive about him graduating to K5 is that he will hopefully get away from Andrea and Marcus... wow those three boys feed off each other and it is all the time wild.  However, Alex had some funny days too...like the day he took my panties with him in his backpack. How embarrassing. I have to say that is pretty close to him taking toilet paper to his k3 class to roll his teachers class room. To celebrate the kiddos moving up to kindergarten they hand the kiddos sing a few songs then handed out their certificate and ended it with a family picnic. Alex got the big heart and rhyming award.

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