Our Family

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

summer 2011

Summer 2011 was loaded with excitement... of course the beach was a big part of our summer like always and VBS. Sarah went with Britt Britt and we ended up being down at the beach when our Paster, Kevin Blackwell and his family was. So, we meet them to fish (catching crab more like it) at night a couple of times, and hung out at the beach/pool another day.Ofcourse the lake was a big part of our summer too. We tried to teach Maddie how to ski.... mmm that didn't go so good she freaked out on us so after about being drowned with a life jacket on I told Luke we had to give up and try in 2012.Alex learned to swim by the end of the summer and was jumping off the dive without a lifejacket so that was AWESOME!!!! Now I have a boy and girl mermaid.

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