Our Family

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Ladybug is an offical CHEERLEADER...Yeah!

Well here we go...church offers Upward Basketball and cheer leading and ladybug gets to be a cheerleader this year...we actually didn't make the birthday cut off but I sweet talked them into letting her cheer, I told them I would coach the cheerleaders if they would allow her to be on the squad well lucky me they agreed. I am going to be fit after this season, I have 8 little 5 and 6 year olds on the squad. Our first practice was Thursday and it went well...I was worn out but hey I did have fun. They all received their outfits and "POM POM'S" and MEGA PHONE (which this is the thing that I couldn't wait for her to receive since she isn't loud as she is....Bam Bam loves it too, he keeps growling into like he is a scary person). Our first game is Jan 12th so if you want free entertainment come on out to see ladybug and the rest of the girls.

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