Our Family

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Fun!

We went to an Easter Egg Hunt at Daddy's work then we spent the week camping and celebrating Britt Britt's 12th b'day then we went to a friends b'day party and a cousins b'day party and had one Easter egg hunt canceled and missed an easter egg hunt because we were just so overwhelming busy. The school system was wrong for putting Spring break right here with Easter it made the kids miss a day and made it hard to get spring break plans in around Easter. Oh Well we did it but was very very busy. We still have the Easter Egg Hunt that was cancelled being redone next weekend along with two birthday party's...so our fun isn't over. Sweetnest #1 and #2 had a ball the past week and I know it is going to be heck getting them back into the game of things. Superman was at the Easter Egg Hunt by the way and little man couldn't quit figure it out, honestly Sissy was nervous too over Superman she didn't want to get her picture made with him. I almost forget we did get to have a little fun Saturday night dying Easter eggs with Sissy, little man feel asleep and didn't make the fun. Also another item I forget is that we got pooped and pee peed on ...at 2:30 in the morning after calling the police to some little boys beating on our front door. How mad was I when we discovered the poop. It is a fade to get pooped on in our area but let me tell you it isn't fun....besides that we don't even have children old enough to start getting the pranks yet. Oh well I hope they had fun and get their behinds smacked by their parents when they find out. While camping we had the twins stay with us a couple of the nights and I know that several have asked me what they look like so I am putting a picture of them on here also my sister has gotten her feeling hurt that I didn't have a better picture of them on our blog. I hope that the Easter Bunny was wonderful to all of you what a huge Easter our little ones had, Sissy was soo excited that the Easter Bunny ate her egg that she died for him.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Toliet Fun

Look at our big terd!


After the snow we came in and played cowboys and Indians.

Fun in the 2nd snow of 20008!

YO!YO! We had two snows this year if you count the few flakes that fell two weeks ago than this would be the third snow! We didn't get to stay outside too long due to both being a sick but still long enough to have a little fun and build a small snowman.

Gymnastics class and last Upward's Game

Sissy is such a sassy-fass.

Playing drums

Daddy's birthday present is being enjoyed by all.